Saturday, March 28, 2009

Deppression medication

Welcome To deppression medication
Ad - You may be able to get a power chair or scooter at little to no cost. HAha haha life is sarcasm all the way- Our human actions are cliche of mental loops. We seem to be raping ourselves every day every moment every eternity. NO learning included. We understand this shallow understanding. But we do not learn. We perceive but fail to use the knowledge we posses in conte ...

Author: SockPuppetArmy
Keywords: TOTAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN 2009 recession depression decline US economy economic collapse crisis meltdown Mexican drug cartel dollar gold silver Ron Paul Alex Jones Peter Schiff jim Rogers Max Keiser Marc Faber Jim Gerald Celente Government Will Go Bankrupt! Global Economic Collapse Treasury Bond Bubble The Gloom Boom and Doom Report Economy crises finance stock market wall street bailout
Added: March 26, 2009

I would like to go to school to become a heavy equipment operator. Upon reviewing the application it ask about mental illness. I am currently on medication for deppression and ADHD. I was wondering if this would disqualify me from finding a job or even being able to get training. I have looked aroun ...

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deppression medication


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